Montgomery County WCID #1 was created by order of the Texas water rights commission, now known as the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality, Effective June 15-1964, in accordance with the Texas Water Code, Chapter 51. On September 11, 1978, the District converted into a municipal Utility District by order of the Texas Water Commission, in accordance with chapters 49 and 54 of the Texas Water Code, and is subject to the continuing supervision of the Commission.
The principle functions of the district are to finance, construct, own and operate water and wastewater works, as well as to provide such facilities and services to customers of the District. Since our Founding, Montgomery County WCID#1 has been known for quality services at an affordable price. The District is governed by a five Member Board of Directors, who are property owners in the district and are voted in by residents of the District. For more information, please contact us at (281)-367-0969.
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History of WCID#1
The District, Created on June 15, 1964 was built to serve the residents of Timber Lakes Timber Ridge with quality water at an affordable price.
The District Owns and Operates Two Water Treatment Plants and One Waste Water Treatment Plant
Water Plant No. 1
one 250,000 Elecated Storage tank
one 750 gpm groundwater Well (Well No. 1 )
one 1,000 gpm groundwater well (Well No. 3)
​Water Plant No. 2
One 800,000 Ground Storage Tank
One 1,000 GPM Ground Water Well (Well No. 2)
One 1,000 GPM Ground Water Well (Well No. 4) -
One 20,000- Hydropneumatic Tank
Three 1,000 gpm Booster Pumps
Waste Water Treatment
One 950,000 GPD Waste Water Treatment Plant
The Districts Storm Water discharges into spring creek and panther creek
Montgomery County PCT3 Maintains Drainage within the District.